Alisha T.

Here is Alisha's story in her own words:

My name is Alisha, I was born in 2008. I live near the India border in Punarbas, Kanchanpur, in the far west of the country of Nepal. Most of my friends have left school and gone to India for work. I was also preparing to go to India to work as I come from a poor family background. My father has not been able to find work, and my mother works in the fields. My aunt has advised me not to go to India and has encouraged me to continue my schooling no matter what. Then my parents took out a loan and I started going to school.  My elder brother has also not been able to go to school. It is even more difficult now because my elder brother is now in college. According to what I heard, we are both still studying on loan. I have a reason to thank the Lord because I have aunt who encourages me a lot in my studies. 

I dream to become a nurse and serve people and earn so that I will be able to support girls like me and encourage them to study. But I heard that it is more expensive to study nursing. So please pray for me.  (Ref. No. PP-0014)

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