
Nelly is 5 years old. She is from the Masaai Tribe, and has lived on The Mara.  Nelly is from a family of 14 children, and stays with her Grandmother.  The father has run off with two other wives.  Her Mother does not work.  She is our first girl from Kenya.

Without your support of Nelly, it is highly predictable that she will have a challenging future.  She definitely is at the higher end of "At Risk".

We see God change the direction of a Girl's life all of the time.  You definitely would be the "agent of change".  (Ref. No. JN-0001)

Your monthly or quarterly support will completely cover all recurring school fees, and will also provide for some required "extras" such as school supplies and uniforms.  If you would prefer to provide a year's support in advance, you may select the "Yearly" option, which will auto-renew every year, or the "One Time" option for a single year.

Sponsor the Education of a High-Risk Girl

You Will Change Her Life!

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