Palak K.

Palak has some huge challenges in her life.  Currently she functions as a beggar for her family.  

Here is part of her story.

I suffered from Cancer in my leg, my father is a laborer and mother is housewife, both illiterate and very poor so they don’t have money to treat my sickness, even if they sent everything and treated me the doctor advised us to cut my leg as the cancer had become serious, after that I lost my one leg. My mom and dad do not have the funds to afford for my education but I want to study because I know that if I don’t study my life will be of more problems like no one would want to marry me, and also would not be able to run my family, and I can’t do any physical work like labour due to my physicality. I know that only education is a option for my survival in the future. If I studied, I would be able to make my life much better.  (Ref. No. PPRI-003)

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