Sangita B.

I am Sangita Bholan, I was born in a remote village in the central region, Terai belt of Nepal in a family where being born as a daughter was not a reason to celebrate. So, when my mother gave birth to daughters, my father decided to leave us and marry another woman hoping she would give him a son. My father was never a part of my life, but sadly my mother became distant because she saw us as the reason for her failed marriage. I was raised by my aunt along with her family. I am a young girl and want to continue my education staying at my aunt and uncle’s house as they themselves are struggling in raising their children, but I didn’t want to be a burden to anyone. It was in this moment where I felt like my life has lost all hope. I was all alone in a remote village where being a girl was considered a burden. I didn’t know what to do to support myself. The only option I knew I had was to leave the village in pursuit of a job elsewhere. As I was about to embark on my journey, my aunt and uncle asked me to stay with them. Staying with them I would not like to become a burden but would like to pursue and complete my school and high school studies. I dream of becoming an independent girl and help girls like me. Kindly pray that May I be able to continue my education on grade 8.

 (Ref. No. PRISKA-0001)

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