Sintoyia K.

Sintoyia is 9 years old and in grade 4.  

She was born from a single parent, with no father presence.Her name is, she is at grade 4, she is born from a single parent, due to her early pregnancy, she is at letaari primary school, at the moment under the care of her grandmother who has difficulty due to her age in raising for her basic needs and  school fees as well.

By sponsoring Sintoyia's education, you are not just alleviating poverty.  You are significantly decreasing her odds of being sexually exploited or trafficked.  You providing an education will give her a future to shoot for.

Your monthly or quarterly support will completely cover all recurring school fees, and will also provide for some required "extras" such as school supplies and uniforms.  If you would prefer to provide a year's support in advance, you may select the "Yearly" option, which will auto-renew every year, or the "One Time" option for a single year.

Sponsor the Education of a High-Risk Girl

You Will Change Her Life!

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